Single Axis Controller+Driver

- Input Voltage of +12 to 40 VDC
- Phase Current Ranges from 0.2 to 3.0 Amps Peak
- Full step, 1/2, 1/4, 1/8, 1/16, 1/32, 1/64, 1/128, 1/256
- RS485 Communication with Optional Converter Cards Available
- 2 User Configurable Digital I/O’s
- 2 Dedicated Inputs: - 1 Optical Sensor for Homing - 1 Switch Closure to Ground
- Fully Programmable Ramps and Speeds
- Software Selectable Hold and Move Currents
- Stand Alone Operation with No Connection to PC
- Stores up to 16 Different Programs at Once with 4 kBytes of Memory
Part Number:
Unit Price:
$253.98 USD
Ships Within:
5 Business Days
Estimated Inventory:
5 Units
- Options
- Dimensions
- Pin Outs
- Electrical Specs.
- How to Connect R356
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- Other Models & Products
Each R356 comes with the following cables (Lin part number 090-00018, 090-00096, and 090-00153):
4-pin cable | DB-15 cable with white 3-pin connector | 6-pin cable
• The R356 is a fully intelligent controller and driver in one. Commands can be issued from any serial terminal program, such as HyperTerminal, or from Lin Engineering’s Graphical User Interface, LinControl. (have LinControl link to the download section)
• Commands are simple and intuitive. This communication is compatible with devices that use the Cavro DT or OEM protocol.
• The R356 controller is also capable of stand alone operating with no PC. It can execute a pre-programmed string of commands upon Power up. Commands include nested loops, wait statements, halt commands, software selectable currents, speeds, acceleration, microstepping, and more.
The Designer’s Kit (sold separately) enables first time users to become well acquainted with the options of R356 Controller/ Driver.
RS485 Designer’s Kit (Lin part number: RS232KIT) Includes:
• RS485 to RS232 Converter Card
• An Optical Sensor
• Red Switch Push Button
• 3-Pin Cable
USB485 Designer’s Kit (Lin p/n: USBKIT) Includes:
- USB485 Converter Card
- An Optical Sensor
- Red Switch Push Button
- 6 foot USB Cable
* Inputs are labeled 1, 2, 3 and 4 for programming the ‘Halt’, ‘Skip’, and
special mode ‘n’ commands.
1 | Green | Power Ground | |
2 | Black | 1A On/ Off Output | |
3 | Yellow Green | Direction Input | |
4 | Yellow | +5 VCD Input for Opto Isolated STEP and DIR | |
5 | Orange | Input | 2/Jog Input |
6 | Yellow/ White | Internal Power for Opto Sensor | |
7 | Orange/ White | Input (Opto Input) | 3/Opto Input |
8 | Black/ White | RS485 A | |
9 | Red | +12V TO 40V POWER | |
10 | Blue | 1A ON/ OFF Output | |
11 | Blue/ White | Step Input | |
12 | Green/ White | Signal Ground | |
13 | White | Input | 1/Jog Input |
14 | Red/ White | Input | 4/Opto Input |
15 | Brown | RS485 B |
Color | Function |
Red | A+ Phase |
Blue | A- Phase |
Green | B+ Phase |
Black | B+ Phase |
A mating connector for the motor is also provided.
DB-15 connector is provided with the controller/driver
This should ideally be used with a US digital E2, E3, or E5 encoder.
- ISOLATED INPUTS: I/O, Switch Closure to Ground, Opto Phototransistor
- STEPS PER REVOLUTION (1.8° MOTOR): 200, 400, 800, 1600, 2000, 3200, 5000, 6400, 10000, 12800, 25000, 25600, 50000, 51200
- MICROSTEP RESOLUTIONS (1.8° MOTOR): Full step, 2X, 4X, 5X, 8X, 10X, 16X, 25X, 32X, 50X, 64X,125, 128X, 250X, 256X
Running Current (m) | 30% of 3.0 Amps |
Holding Current (h) | 10% of max current of 2 Amps |
Step Resolution (j) | 256x |
Top Velocity (V) | 305175 pps (microsteps/sec) |
Acceleration (L) | L=1000, 6103500 usteps/sec^2 |
Microstep smoothness (o) | 1500 |
Outputs (J) | both are turned off, J0 |
Baud Rate | 9600 bps |
How to connect R356-RO Controller
PW-150 Series POWER SUPPLIESFeatures & Benefits
- Universal Input
- High Efficiency
- Built in PFC Circuit
- 3000 V Isolation
- Single Outputs
RS485 to RS232 Designer’s Kit Converter Card KitFeatures & Benefits
- Allows user to connect the R256, R356, Silverpak 17C/CE, 23C/CE, and 34D motors to a PC via a standard serial port
- RoHS compliant
- RS485 to RS232 Converter Card
USB485 Converter CardFeatures & Benefits
- Allows the user to connect their RS485 device to a PC via a standard USB port.
- UART I/F Supports 7 / 8 Bit Data, 1 / 2 Stop Bits and Odd/Even/Mark/Space/No Parity
- Data rate 300 => 250K Baud
Drivers & Controllers
Stepper Motors
208 Series Compact Stepper MotorFeatures & Benefits
- Small, Compact Size
- Cost Effective
- Up to 4 oz-in (0.03 N-m) Holding Torque
211 Series Compact Stepper MotorFeatures & Benefits
- Small, Compact Design
- Cost Effective
- Up to 16.6 oz-in (0.12 N-m) Holding Torque
3518 Series High Torque Stepper MotorFeatures & Benefits
- Ideal for limited mounting space
- Cost Effective
- Up to 20 oz-in (0.14 N-m) Holding Torque
3709 Series Xtreme Accuracy Stepper MotorFeatures & Benefits
- Signature Series Technology for ultimate smooth motion and high accuracy
- 7 different mounting options
- Up to 22 oz-in (0.15 N-m) Holding Torque
3809 Series Xtreme Accuracy Stepper MotorFeatures & Benefits
- Signature Series Technology for ultimate smooth motion and high accuracy
- Ideal for custom housings
- Up to 16 oz-in (0.12 N-m) Holding Torque
4018 SeriesFeatures & Benefits
- Slim, Compact Design
- Cost Effective
- Up to 42 oz-in (0.30 N-m) Holding Torque
4109 Series Xtreme Accuracy Stepper MotorFeatures & Benefits
- Signature Series Technology for ultimate smooth motion and high accuracy
- Patented design
- Up to 22 oz-in (0.16 N-m) Holding Torque
4118 Series High Torque Stepper MotorFeatures & Benefits
- More torque than standard NEMA 17 stepper motors
- Custom wound for high speed or low speed applications
- Up to 115 oz-in (0.81 N-m) Holding Torque